Wednesday, June 5, 2019


So you might be a salesman for an immense Fortune 500 company, a door-to-door salesman, or someone that has just started a home-based business and needs to have the edge in order to have success. Whatever situation you are in, you need to have the tools to be a successful salesman.

Even if you are charismatic and work great with people, every seller can fall into easy pitfalls that can lose a business deal in a matter of minutes. Here are some of the biggest mistakes people make that can prevent them from becoming a powerhouse salesman.

The first mistake to avoid is a lack of desire to sell the product. There is a big difference in wanting to sell a product and needing to sell a product.

If you are selling merchandise in order to get that paycheck every week and support your family, your passion for the product may not be top-notch. Customers can see that and it can hurt your chances for a sale.

A smart customer will glance right through any fancy words or business jargon that you might throw at them to impress them and see that you really don't care about the product that you are trying to sell.

If you don't have a deep love for the thing you are trying to promote, then try to have one! If you try and you just can't find anything good about it, you might want to find something different to promote!

The second mistake is simply talking too much during a business deal or a sales pitch. Don't deliver a deep monologue about the ins and outs of your trade and everything that encompasses it!

If you do, you will quickly lose the interest of your customer and it will be even more difficult to make them purchase whatever you're offering. A good rule of thumb to live by is to not talk more than 20-30% of the time that you are with the potential buyer.

This will give you enough time to deliver the basics about whatever you are offering, and give the rest of the time to the client to ask questions and absorb the information that they most need.

The third mistake is being too forward and pushing the client farther than they want to go. Many salespeople will push and push the client into going farther into the deal even though they might have said they are not interested many times over.

It might also include not appropriately responding to the concerns that the potential buyer has by skimming over them and going on to different aspects of the product that you think will make them change their mind. By stopping and responding to their concerns, you can more aptly gain their trust so that they will be more willing to listen to you.

When it all comes down to it if the client says "No", it means "No". You don't have to hassle them any further. It is best to just to drop it and move on to another promising opportunity.

The next mistake comes when a salesperson doesn't have a plan or business approach when they walk into that office or business room. Those who have no set way of selling to each customer will find that they are disorganized and ill-prepared when those tough questions come.

On the other hand, a salesperson that approaches each opportunity with the same system of selling the product can be confident because they know what they are saying, how to answer certain questions, and what each business deal should consist of.

The last mistake can come when a potential sale has fallen through. You might walk out of that office blaming the failure on everything else except you. You can blame it on the client or the company, but most of the time the sour sale comes from you.

Having the ability to recognize weaknesses and change them can be a great asset for a salesperson. By knowing your faults, you can avoid them in every other situation until you master them and use them as strengths.

You might suffer from all or just one of these problems, but it is important to recognize them and change them. If you do, you will see more success when meeting with customers and thus see more sales!

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